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Friday, 30 June 2017

Upwork Test Answers | MS Excel Upwork Test Answers 2019

  1. Which of the following options are available for auto fill, when you release the mouse button after using AutoFill, Excel not only fills in the series but also displays the Auto Fill options button ?
  • Copy Cells
  • Fill Formatting Only
  1. In the case of synchronizing changes between Table and model, a linked table is a live connection between the range or named table that contains the data values, and the Data Model that powers the report, by default. The Data Model is updated automatically if changes occur in ___________ ?
  • Tables
  1. Which among following settings is the default macro security setting by?
  • Disable all macros with notification
  1. Information Rights Management (IRM) allows individuals and administrators to specify access permissions to documents, workbooks, and presentations. This helps present sensitive information from being printed, forwarded, or copied by unauthorized people. IRM cannot help with the following though:
  • Prevent content from being copied by using third-party screen capture programs.
  1. Which of the following are advantages of range names ?
  • Names are easier to remember than range coordinates.
  • Names don’t change when you move a range to another part of the worksheet.
  • Named ranges adjust automatically whenever you insert or delete rows or columns within the range.
  1. Which of the following formulas yields the address of the last cell in a range ?
  • ADDRESS(ROW(rng)+ROWS(rng)-1,COLUMN(rng)+COLUMNS(rng)-1)
  1. Some features work differently in Excel online as compared to the Excel desktop version. Which of the following is not true for Excel online?
  • Workbooks that have Information rights management(IRM) settings applied at the workbook level cannot be viewed in a browser window.
  1. In Excel, a data list, or database table, is a table of worksheet data that utilizes a special structure, a built-in Data from which allow the users to edit records in a data list. For smaller data lists, you can use the navigation keys as well the scroll bar of the data form to locate a record which requires editing. What type of commands can be used for locating a record if we want to make changes in it while using larger data lists?
  • Filter command
  1. Excel contains a conditional formatting present that highlights top/bottom values. However, using a formula instead provides more flexibility. If you have a series of data with high & low magnitude values and you want to format only N number of high magnitude values in the series of data, which of the following formulas is valid?
  • = A1<= MAX(data,N)
  1. What is the filename extension of Excel workbooks which are saved as ‘Excel Templates’?
  • .xltx
  1. By using names, you can make your formulas much easier to understand and maintain. You can define a name for a cell range, function, constant, or table. Names must be no more than 255 characters long. You can also use any single letter as a range name except the following ?
  • R
  • C
  1. A _________ is similar to a data bar in that it compares the relative values of cells in a range. Instead of bars in each cell, you see cell shading, where the shading color reflects the cell’s value.
  • color cell
  1. What are Information Functions in Excel?
  1. If cell A2 has a full name (Firstname, Middle Initial and Lastname) like “Karen E. McRich” which of the following formulas will extract the lastname ?
  • =Right(a2,find(“.”,a2)-1,1)
  1. We can perform what If Analysis in Excel with the use of Data Tables in which we can see the effect of changing an input value on the result returned by a formula as soon as we enter a new input value in the cell that feeds into the formula.
    which types of Data Tables can we create to perform what- If Analysis in Excel?
  • One & Two Variable Data Tables
  1. The auto calculate feature in Excel does which of the following ?
  • Provides a quick way to view the result of an arithmetic operation on a range of cells.
  1. A Data Model integrates the tables, enabling extensive analysis using PivotTables ________ , ________
  • Power Pivot, Power View
  1. What could you do to stop the pivot table from losing the column width upon refreshing?
  • Format loss in a pivot table can be prevented simply by changing the pivot table options. under the “pivot Table Options” turn on the “Enable Preserve Formatting” and disable the “Auto Format” options.
  1. Select Home->Fill->Series. Excel displays the series dialog box. Which of the following represent the “Growth” type?
  • None of above
  1. Excel provides _______, which are labels applied to a single cell or to a range of cells.
  • Range Names
  1. An Excel workbook is a collection of?
  • Worksheets and charts
  1. Anytime when you return more than single cell, you should be using array formula. Array formulas are special formulas that work on an array of numbers and it will work effectively if you press the following keys combination?
  • Ctrl+shift+enter
  1. Which of the following formulas uses absolute references?
  • =$A$1*2
  • =D11 * $C$3
  1. In most cases the PivotTable loses the column width when it is refreshed. which of following options can be used when the PivotTable is refreshed, so as to not lose the width of column ?
  • Enabling Preserve formatting and disabling Auto Format in PivotTable Options
  1. Tables offer which of the following advantages?
  • All of the above
  1. Use_____ to visualize the relative values of cells in a range. In this case, however, Excel adds a particular icon to each cell in the range, and that icon tells you something about the cell’s value relative to the rest of the range?
  • Icon Sets
  1. All 2-D and 3-D charts have an x-axis known as the horizontal axis and a y-axis known as the vertical axis. Which of the following charts don’t have x-axis and y-axis?
  • Pie Chart
  1. To show the actual formula instead of Cell Values which of the following function    can be used?
  1. A worksheet range can be defined as which of the following?
  • A Group of cells
  1. Which of the following formulas yields the work hours between dates on a custom schedule?
  • {=SUM(CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(date1&”:”&date2))),1,2,3,4,5,6,7))}
  1. When you have many different PivotTables in one report, you can share a slicer that you created in one PivotTable with other PivotTables. Which of the following statements is not true?
  • Any changes that you make to a shared slicer are immediately reflected in all PivotTables that are connected to that slicer
  1. Which of the function listed will not work if you are looking for an exact value based on a right looking column?
  1. Which of the following can be accomplished by Creating Highlighted Cell Rules?
  • What are the top 10 values
  • Which cell values are above average, and which are below average ?
  • Which cells values are duplicate �  ? 
  1. Which of the following could be true when #NAME, error appears in an Excel cell?
  • You Spelled a function name incorrectly
  • you used a string value without surrounding it with quotation marks.
  1. DGET Database Function in Excel extracts a single value from a record in the data list that matches the criteria you specify. DGET Function return error value if no record matches the specified criteria or the match criteria is greater than the specified criteria.
  2. Which of the following error values is returned if multiple records are matched?
  • #NUM
  1. Which of the following depicts a correct range?
  • B1:B30
  1. Which of the following is/are array formulas?
  • =B12:B16*E12:E16
  • =SUM(B12:B16*E12:E16)

Wordpress Upwork Test Answers | WordPress Upwork Test Answers 2019

Q1.) select all the default taxonomies in wordpress.

1) category
2) post_tag
3) link_category
4) post_category

Q2.) which concept does wordpress uses to control user access to different features.

Ans.) Role

Q3.) Which of the following is a not default image size in WP?

Ans.) Small size

Q4.) What is the name of table in database which stores custom fields data?

Ans.) wp_postmeta

Q.5) What are WordPress hooks?

Ans.) group of plugins which control wordpress behavior

Q6.) How do you enable the network setup menu item(enable multisite) in wordpress?

Ans.) set WP_Allow_MULTISITE as true in wp_config.php

Q7.) how to style each list item background of the wordpress navigation separately.

nav li:nth-child(1).current-menu-item
background-color: red;
nav li:nth-child(2).current-menu-item
background-color: blue;
nav li:nth-child(3).current-menu-item
background-color: green;

Q8.)If you need to store information temporarily, which wordpress system would you use :

Ans.) Transients

Q9.) how do you enable debug mode in WP?

Ans.) By setting WP_DEBUG as true in WP-Config.php

Q10.) what can the contributer role do?

Ans.) Edit Posts

Q11.)�  Which constant is NOT recognized in wp-config.php?

Ans.) wp_HOME_URL

Q12.)�  Which wp global object is used to execute custom databse queries?

Ans.) $wpdb

Q13.)�  Which one of the following files is located in the root of your wordpress installation directory and contains your website’s setup details, such as database connection info?


Q14.) what is user Management?

Ans.) WP User Manager. Managing your members, creating front-end profiles and custom login and registration pages should be easy. You easily add custom userregistration, login and password recovery forms to your WordPress website.

Q15.) How you can create a static page with wordpress?

Ans.) to create a static page in wordpress………

Q16.) Is it possible to create posts programmatically?

Ans.) Yes,with wp_insert_post() function

Q17.) which of the following is the correct way to register shortcode?

function foobar_func( $atts )
return “foo and bar”;
dd_shortcode( ‘foobar’, ‘foobar_func’ );

Q18.) What is wordpress multisite?

Ans.) wp configuration features that supports multiple sites.

Q19.) Which of the following is not a default user role in wp?

Ans.) Blogger

Q20.) What does wp_rand() function?

Ans.) Generates a random number.

Q21.) Which of the following is not a wordpress role?

Ans.) System

Q22.) Which of the following is incorrect possible value for $show attribute of bloginfo($show) function?

Ans.) ‘homeurl’

Q23.) pick the correct default post types readily available to users or internally used by the wordpress installation.

1) post
2) page

Q24.) what is common to all these functions: next_post,previous_post,link_pages,the _author_url,wp_get_link?

Ans.) They are all deprecated.

Q25.) WordPress navigation menu without sub menu.

Ans.) wp_nav_menu( array( ‘theme_location’ => ‘primary’, ‘menu_class’ => ‘nav-menu’,’depth’ => 1) ) );

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Upwork Test Answers | PHP Upwork Test Answers 2019

  1. which MIME type needs to be used to send an attachment in mail ?
  •    multipart/mixed
  1. What is the output of  the following code ?
class Foo {private $foo;
protected $bar;
public $test;
public function  __construct()
$this->foo = 1;
$this->bar = 2;
$this ->test = 3;
print_r(   (array) new Foo );
  •   Array([Foofoo]=>1 [*bar]=>2[test]=>3)
  1. By default, every database connection opened by a script is either explicitly closed by the user during run time of released__________ at the end of the script.
  •  Server-side
  1. Which magic method is used to implement overloading in PHP ?
  •  __call
  1. What will be the output of following code ?
<?php   $i = 016;echo $i /2;
  •   7
  1. Which of the following file modes is used to write into a file at the end of the existing content, and create the file if the file does not exist ?
  •  a
  1. Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to inheritance in PHP?
  •  A Class can extend more than one class.
  1. You can extend the exception class, but you cannot override any of the preceding methods they are declared as :
  • final
  1. What is the correct syntax of mail() function in php ?
  •  mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers)
  1. What is the fastest way to insert an item $item into the specified position $position of the array $array ?
  •  array_merge() and array_slice()
  1. Which of the following MySQL fetch constants imply: if the columns are returned into the array having both a numerical index and the field name as the array index ?
  1. Which function is used to get  the number of arguments passed to the function ?
  •  func_num_args()
  1. What is the output of the following code ?
<?phpfunction abc(){
function xyz()
return abc();
echo xyz();
  •  abc
  1. �  Which Function can be used to determine if a file exist? (choose all that apply)
  •    is_readable(),
  1. What will be the output of following code
<?phpclass A {
public static function foo() {
public static function who(){
echo __CLASS__.”\n”;
class B extends A {
public static function test(){
public static function who() {
echo __CLASS__. “\n”;
Class C extends B {
public static function who(){
echo __CLASS__.”\n”;
  •  ACC
  1. Which of the following will print out the PHP call stack ?
  •   $e=new Exception;
  1. What is the correct way to send an SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) email using PHP?
  •  sendmail($EmailAddress,”Subject”,”$MessageBody);
  1. The PDO_MYSQL Data Source Name(DSN) is composed of the following elements ?
  • dbname
  1. Which is true about the curl_setopt() API ?
  •  It sets one option for cURL transfer
  1. What will be the output of the following PHP code ?
$int options  = array(“options”=>array(“min_range”=>0,”max_range”=>256));
if(!filter_var($var,FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $int_options))
echo(“Integer is not valid”);
echo(“Integer is valid”);
  • Integer is not valid
  1. Which function is used to read a file removing the HTML and PHP tags in it ?
  • fgetss()
  1. What will the output of following code :-
<?phpclass BaseClass {
public function test() {
echo “BaseClass::test() called\n”;
final public function moreTesting() {
echo “BaseClass::moreTesting() called \n”;
class ChildClass extends BaseClass {
public function moretesting(){
echo “ChildClass::moreTesting() called\n”;
$obj = new ChildClass;
  • Results in Fatal error : Cannot override final method
  1. What will happen if a fatal error was thrown in your PHP program ?
  • The PHP program will stop executing at the point where the error
  1. Which of the following code can be used to send email to multiple recipients ?
  • $recipients = array(‘’,’;
  1. Which of the following functions belong to Exception class ? (Choose all that apply)
  •    getLine()
  1. Which of the following are valid MySQLi Configuration options ? (Choose all that apply ?
  •    mysqli.allow_persistent
  1. Which is the best approach to parse HTML and extract structured information from it ?
  •  Use an XML parser (as simpleXML) and XPath queries if available.
  1. What is the output of the following code ?
<?phpfunction y($v) {
echo $v;
$w = “y”;
$w (“z”);
$w = “x”;
  •  z
  1. Xdebug is a PHP____________, the information which Xdebug provides is about stack and functions with full parameter for user defined functions, memory allocation and support for infinite recursions.
  •  Extension
  1. See the example class code below
class ExampleClass{
public $val = 5 ;
function &getValNum()
return $this->val;
which of the following one can be used for Return by reference ?
  •   $obj = new ExampleClass();
$myVal = $obj->getValNum();
  1. What is the output of following code ?
function myFun($a) {if(!$a){
throw new Exception(‘Value init.’);
return 3/$a;
try {
echo myfun(3) .”\n”;
}catch (Exception $e){
echo ‘Caught exception: ‘, $e->getMessage(), “\n”;
} finally {
echo “first\n”;
echo myFun(1).”\n”;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo ‘Caught exeption:’, $e->getMessage(),”\n”;
}  finally {
echo “second\n”;
echo “Hello PHP Example\n”;
  •  1 first 3 second Hello PHP Example
  1. What is true about ini_set(‘memory_limit’,’-1’) ?
  • parse error
  1. what is the correct way to read-in multiple values from an array ?
  •  list($x,$y,$z) = array(7,8,9);
  1. What is the best practice for running MySQL queries in PHP? Consider the risk of SQL injection ?
  •  Use PDO prepared statements and parameterized queries
  1. Which of the following is the right MIME to use as a Contant Type for JSON data ?
  • application/json
  1. Which of the following is the correct way to convert a variable from a string to an integer ?
  •  $number_variable = (int)$string_variable;
  1. There are a number of mysqlnd plugins already available. These include
  •  PECL/mysqlnd_pscache – Prepared Statement Handle Cache plugin
PECL/mysqlnd_sip – SQL Injection Protection Plugin
PECL /mysqlnd_uh – User Handler Plugin
PECL/mysqlnd_qc – Query Cache Plugin
  1. What will be the  output of executing the following code ?
  •  Fata error : Call to private method Foo:: printName() from context
  1. When designing classes with UML, a class at its core has the following components ? (choose all that apply)
  •  Methods, Attributes
  1. Which of the following would show an error in php ?
  •  @echo 1
  1. What would be the output of the following code ?
$str = “0011110000bsts11100”;echo trim($str,’010s’);
  •  bst
  1. What would be the output of the I and II sample codes:
I)$a  = array();
$b = $a;
$b[‘foo’] = 42;
echo $a[‘foo’];
$a = new StdClass();
$b = $a;
$b->foo = 42;
echo $a->foo;
  •  Null 42
  1. Which of the following is not a Super Global variable in PHP ?
  •  None of the above
  1. Which of the following would produce an error :
$currentDT = new DateTime();
  •  $currentDT->getTimezone(new DateTimeZone(‘UTC’));
  1. Which statement is incorrect ?
  •  unset() forces the PHP garbage collector to immediately.
  1. which of the following is not related to garbage collection in PHP ?
  • gc_cycles()
  1. which statement is not correct ?
  2. $x = null;
  • empty($x) return TRUE
  1. What would be the output of the following code ?
  2. $parts = parse_url(“”);
    echo count($query);
  • 4
  1. Which of the following is not the correct way to create an empty object in PHP ?
  • $obj = new stdClass();
  1. Which function is used to destroy a variable or object ?
  • unset()
  1. What will be the output of the following code ?
  2. $arr = array(“THEY”,”WE”,array(“I”,”YOU”),”YOUR”);
  • 6
  1. Which statement is not correct ?
  • PHP_EOL – The correct ‘End of Line’ symbol for this platform.
  1. Which method is used to tweak an oject’s cloning behavior ?
  • clone()
  1. How do you access result set meta data ?

$mysqli = new mysqli(“”, “user”, “password”, “database”);
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
echo “Failed to connect to MySQL: (” . $mysqli->connect_errno . “) ” . $mysqli->connect_error;

$res = $mysqli->query(“SELECT 1 AS _one, ‘Hello’ AS _two FROM DUAL”);
  1. Which of the following will decode a JSON variable $json to an object ?
  2. $json = ‘{“abc”:1,”def”:2,”ghi”:3,”jkl”:4,”mno”:5}’;
  • both of above ($object = json_decode($json); and $object = json_decode($json,true);)
  1. Choose the correct option to force redirect from http to https :
  • RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
  1. What will be the output of executing the following code ?
  2. <?php
    class Foo {
    private function printName($name) {
    $a = new Foo();
  • Fatal error: Call to private method Foo::printName() from context…
  1. What will be the output of the below code ?
  2. $tmp = “Dragon%%Ball%%z%”;
    $arr = explode(‘%’,trim($tmp));
    echo count($arr);
  • 6
  1. Which of the following options will fall to remove the element “y” when placed in the blank space in the below sample code
  2. $row = array(0=>”x”,1=>”y”,2=>”z”,3=>”w”)
  • array_diff($row,[“y”]);

  1. Which of the following is the correct option to get a numerically indexed array containing all defined timezone identifiers in PHP

  • DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::UTC);

  1. What will be the output of the following code ?
  2. echo(1234==’1234 test’ ? ‘Equal’ : ‘Not equal’);
  • Equal
  1. After the following query is executed using PHP, which function can be used to count the number of rows returned ?(choose all that apply)
  2. SELECT * from students
  • mysqli_affected_rows()