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Friday, 30 June 2017

Wordpress Upwork Test Answers | WordPress Upwork Test Answers 2019

Q1.) select all the default taxonomies in wordpress.

1) category
2) post_tag
3) link_category
4) post_category

Q2.) which concept does wordpress uses to control user access to different features.

Ans.) Role

Q3.) Which of the following is a not default image size in WP?

Ans.) Small size

Q4.) What is the name of table in database which stores custom fields data?

Ans.) wp_postmeta

Q.5) What are WordPress hooks?

Ans.) group of plugins which control wordpress behavior

Q6.) How do you enable the network setup menu item(enable multisite) in wordpress?

Ans.) set WP_Allow_MULTISITE as true in wp_config.php

Q7.) how to style each list item background of the wordpress navigation separately.

nav li:nth-child(1).current-menu-item
background-color: red;
nav li:nth-child(2).current-menu-item
background-color: blue;
nav li:nth-child(3).current-menu-item
background-color: green;

Q8.)If you need to store information temporarily, which wordpress system would you use :

Ans.) Transients

Q9.) how do you enable debug mode in WP?

Ans.) By setting WP_DEBUG as true in WP-Config.php

Q10.) what can the contributer role do?

Ans.) Edit Posts

Q11.)�  Which constant is NOT recognized in wp-config.php?

Ans.) wp_HOME_URL

Q12.)�  Which wp global object is used to execute custom databse queries?

Ans.) $wpdb

Q13.)�  Which one of the following files is located in the root of your wordpress installation directory and contains your website’s setup details, such as database connection info?


Q14.) what is user Management?

Ans.) WP User Manager. Managing your members, creating front-end profiles and custom login and registration pages should be easy. You easily add custom userregistration, login and password recovery forms to your WordPress website.

Q15.) How you can create a static page with wordpress?

Ans.) to create a static page in wordpress………

Q16.) Is it possible to create posts programmatically?

Ans.) Yes,with wp_insert_post() function

Q17.) which of the following is the correct way to register shortcode?

function foobar_func( $atts )
return “foo and bar”;
dd_shortcode( ‘foobar’, ‘foobar_func’ );

Q18.) What is wordpress multisite?

Ans.) wp configuration features that supports multiple sites.

Q19.) Which of the following is not a default user role in wp?

Ans.) Blogger

Q20.) What does wp_rand() function?

Ans.) Generates a random number.

Q21.) Which of the following is not a wordpress role?

Ans.) System

Q22.) Which of the following is incorrect possible value for $show attribute of bloginfo($show) function?

Ans.) ‘homeurl’

Q23.) pick the correct default post types readily available to users or internally used by the wordpress installation.

1) post
2) page

Q24.) what is common to all these functions: next_post,previous_post,link_pages,the _author_url,wp_get_link?

Ans.) They are all deprecated.

Q25.) WordPress navigation menu without sub menu.

Ans.) wp_nav_menu( array( ‘theme_location’ => ‘primary’, ‘menu_class’ => ‘nav-menu’,’depth’ => 1) ) );

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